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Thurs 3PM - Wix Mobile Website Training


  • 29 US dollars
  • Online Webinar

DescripciĆ³n del servicio

LEARN HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR WIX MOBILE ONLINE FOR ONLY $29 (normally $99). This is the Thursday 3PM to 430PM April 16, 2020 session. Since we are sheltered in at home, learn how to optimize your WIX MOBILE WEBSITE Version. Prof. Ken is offering only a 10-seat limited enrollment LIVE, Interactive, 90-minute hands-on workshop! You will be able to make your WIX Mobile website changes live with Prof. Ken during a screen share virtual event. What do I get for $29. Your $29 investment includes: 1- A specific Wix Mobile update requested by you and the other attendees 2- A link to the full recording for review. 3- Updates to 7 of the most common Wix Mobile Updates 4- A Wix HOW TO Info document (pulled from Wix Websites). 5- A 15 Minute One-to-One call with Prof. Ken ā€“ ask him any Wix Questions. How Will This Work? Each attendee will send me one change they want to make to their WIX Mobile Website. Prof. Ken will instruct how to make that change during the 90-minute session. So, you will see other changes done for the other websites, learning along the way. Prof. Ken will also show everyone how to make the following high demand changes to your WIX Mobile Website: 1. Using the Mobile Editor Tools 2. Add and setup the Quick Action Bar 3. Showing a Page on Your Mobile Site Only 4. Refresh and Optimize Your Mobile Page Layout 5. Resize your mobile text Prof. Ken will take each attendee through a step-by-step process to optimize their mobile website. This is the Thursday 3PM to 430PM April 16, 2020 session.

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Detalles del contacto

9545589599 | Websites | Social Media | Marketing 14359 Miramar Parkway Suite 260 Miramar, Florida 33027

enlaces ekn es unempresa de marketing de crecimientoque se enfoca en  ganar a sus clientes para crear valor de por vida utilizando la participaciĆ³n del consumidor objetivoestrategia, mercadeo yredes sociales.

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14359 Miramar ParkwaySuite 260 Miramar, Florida 33027

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Descargo de responsabilidad: los testimonios se basan en lo que nuestros clientes comparten con nosotros y asumen que es un hecho. No verificamos sus estados financieros. No garantizamos ningĆŗn resultado y debe saber que construir un negocio e invertir en marketing es un riesgo.

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